Smoked Bananas
4th Dec 2020
Well---at last--Here's the Smoked Banana Recipe-----You can use the older Spotted Bananas & save some money! 1 Banana per person! I generally do the Banana desert on the Steak night! Place the Bananas on the Smoker next to the fire box Peel & all! Keep turning the Bananas until they are solid "BLACK" & soft to the touch! Place in a bowl--split the banana down the middle & push on both ends until they open up! Again leave the skin on. Do not peal. Here's the Sauce Recipe you will need to make to put on the Banana's! In a small sauce pan put 1 stick of real butter! 1/2 cup or so of Pancake syrup---1/4 of a cup of Orange Juice & as an optional item 1/4 cup of Rum or your "Favorite" Adult Beverage!--- Let all the ingredients warm up & come together in your sauce pan!! When its desert time---put 1 scoop of Ice Cream along with 3 or 4 tablespoons full of your topping mix on your Banana, also for another topper---sprinkle some chopped nuts on top of all of the above! Here again it's the SMOKED FLAVOR from the Smoker that separates this desert from your friendly Dairy Queen.